Senin, 26 Juni 2023
Kaidah Kebahasaan Discussion Text
1. Introducing category or generic participant
Memberi isu yang akan dibahas. For example: “Homeschooling”, “Usage of the Internet”, “Distance Learning” dan lain-lain
2. Using the thinking verb
Such as feel, hope, believe, certain dan lain-lain. Salah satu contohnya dalam kalimat adalah sebagai berikut:
“Parents choose to homeschool to educate their kids because they believe that homeschooling can be a personalized schedule.”
3. Using additive, contrast, and casual connection
Similarly, on the other hand, however, dan lain-lain. Berikut contoh kalimatnya:
“On the other hand, homeschooling can spoil parents’ time.”
4. Using modalities
Must, should, could, may, dan lain-lain.
“So, when thinking about putting children through home school, I believe we should make sure that we understand all of the criteria involved in home education.”
5.Using adverbs of manner
Deliberately, hopefully, dan lain-lain.
“Another advantage is flexibility in time and curriculum. By homeschooling, parents can set the curriculum freely.”
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