Analytical exposition text dijelaskan sebagai argumen teks yang tidak disertai saran dan hanya menyertakan pendapat dan argumen-argumen saja.
Analytical Exposition text adalah suatu jenis teks yang digunakan untuk menjelaskan pandangan seorang penulis mengenai suatu isu. Dengan kata lain, teks ini merupakan teks argumentatifAnalytical Exposition atau jenis teks eksposisi yang diawali dengan suatu pernyataan yang menunjukkan suatu sikap, opini, dari penulis terhadap suatu tema yang kemudian dibahas dan didukung dengan berbagai argumen.
Teks ini ditutup dengan penegasan atau pernyataan ulang tentang opini yang dinyatakan di bagian awal, dan akhir text Exposition atau dapat juga berarti text yang diawali dengan pernyataan berisi isu atau masalah yang kemudian diangkat sebagai tema tulisan.
Motorcycles are one of the distractions and also the main cause of high levels of stress. Even though motorbikes are considered the most convenient means of transportation, I think motorbikes are still dangerous for humans, animals, and the environment. I also think that motorbikes should be banned in residential areas for reasons of noise, air pollution, disease, and unnatural accidents.
In addition, motorbikes also make a lot of noise, making it difficult for babies to fall asleep. When their baby is asleep, the motorbike will pass and wake the baby. Not only that, motorbikes also make it difficult for children to concentrate on their homework. Experts say that extreme noise can cause deafness and lack of concentration.
Lastly, motorcycles are responsible for horrific accidents which in some cases lead to death. The riders were traveling so fast that they couldn’t stop in time and ended up crashing into other riders or animals. Fields (1993) stated that motorcycles are known as the biggest killer on the highway.
In conclusion from the arguments above, I strongly believe that motorbikes should be banned in residential areas.
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