Pengertian Adjective Clause
Adjective clause adalah klausa yang tidak bisa berdiri sendiri, disebut juga sebagai dependent clause yang berperan untuk memodifikasi proun dan noun dalam suatu kalimat yang kompleks. Dalam sebuah kalimat, ciri-ciri yang bisa dilihat memiliki subjek dan predikat. Relative pronoun seperti who, which, whose, that, whom dan relative adverb when, why dan where bisa untuk mengawali. Dengan demikian Adjective clause adalah klausa yang difungsikan sebagai adjective dan digunakan untuk menjelaskan noun atau pronoun dalam sebuah complex sentence
Terdapat tiga karakteristik utama dalam adjective clause, seperti harus memiliki kata kerja, wajib dimulai dengan relative verb atau relative pronoun dan apa itu adjective clause sebagai fungsi menjawab berbagai pertanyaan.
Pola dan Fungsi Adjective Clause
1. Sebagai Subject
who/which/that + verb + (object) + (adverb)
who: person
which: non person
that: person, non person
recognized the man.
He was wearing the suit. (subject, person = who/ that)
Jane recognized the man who/ that was wearing the suit. (adj
action film is
very nice.
It features Keanu Reeves. (subject, non person = which/
The action film which/ that features Keanu Reeves is very
nice. (adj clause)
2. Sebagai Object
whom/which/that + subject + verb + (adverb)
whom: person
which: non person
that: person, non person
Contoh :
dad knows the woman.
I met her yesterday (object, person = whom/ that)
My dad knows the woman whom/ that I met yesterday. (adj
books should
be borrowed from the faculty’s library.
Prof Carl recommended them. (object, non person = which/ that)
The books which/ that Prof Carl recommended should be borrowed
from the faculty’s library. (adj clause)
3. Sebagai Adverb
when/where/on, in, at which + subject + verb + (object)
when: time
where: place
in, on, at which: time, place
Contoh :
remember the day
I took the test on the day (adverb, time = when/ in, on, at which)
I remember the day when/ on which I took the test. (adj
room is
equipped with an air conditioner.
I took the test in the room (adverb, place = where/
in, on, at which)
The room where/ in which I took the test is
equipped with an air conditioner. (adj clause)
4. Sebagai Possession
whose/of which + noun + (subject) + verb
whose: person, non person
of which: non person
The girl is a cheerleader.
Her brother is my classmate. (possession, person = whose)
The girl whose brother is my classmate is a cheerleader. (adj clause)
The cat looks so cute.
The fur of it is very thick. (possession, non person = whose, of which)
The cat, the fur of which is very thick, looks so cute. (adj clause)
5. Reason
why + subject + verb
I don’t know the reason.
They didn’t submit the paper.
I don’t know the reason why they didn’t submit the paper. (adj clause)
Contoh kalimat dengan adjective clause
1. This Girl, who reads a
bad news, is so bad.
2. The store which is good
is rented by my brother.
3. The question which has
been answered by Gabriel is difficult.
4. The land which I like
very much is very expensive.
5. This boy who uses the red
headscarf is smart.
6. Today is independence day
which was declared in 1945.
7. The girl who is very
beautiful is singing to me.
8. This house is very quiet
which I am interested in.
9. Fernanda met Fred at
Tengkayu port where Fred works.
10. The boy, who was angry
at his friend, bit his hand.
11. A 70-year-old man, whose
house was recently struck by lightning, said he lost everything.
12. People who are smart
follow the rules.
13. I can remember the time
when cell phones didn't exist.
14. Angie has a friend whose
daughter lives in China.
15. The reason why Jasson
went to law school is that he didn’t want to be a doctor.
16. She is a woman who works
hard to support her only child.
17. The man whom you saw
last night is my uncle.
18. The blue short hair
woman, whose bike had a flat tire, works as a waiter at Wendy's. 19. I still
remember the day when you fell asleep in the office’s meeting room.
20. This is the reason why
Alice left you for another man